School Values
There are a number of student committees operating at Burton which provide students a voice in their learning, decision making and school operations. Students are able to undertake a range of leadership roles including School Captains, House Captains, Leaders of Learning, Peer Mediators and Play at Lunchtime Facilitators.
RULE #1 – Follow staff instructions IMMEDIATELY.
RULE #2 – Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
RULE #3– No swearing, teasing or threatening others.
Student Wellbeing Leader
Burton Primary School has a full time Student Wellbeing Leader. The Student Wellbeing Leader works with staff, students and parents to ensure all children feel safe and supported at school.
If you would like to meet with the Student Wellbeing Leader please call the Office on 8280 6277 to make an appointment.
Bullying, harassment and violence in its many forms will not be tolerated at Burton Primary School. We as a school, value the right to feel safe and believe in treating others as we would like to be treated. Bullying, including cyber bullying will be dealt with seriously and quickly. The school will work with the community, services and agencies to support students in making strong choices around their behaviour. We will educate our students to recognise what bullying is, what it is not and how to respond appropriately in given situations. A copy of the Anti Bullying Policy can be found under the Policies and Procedures tab on the website.
Student Leadership
There are a number of student committees operating at Burton which provide students a voice in their learning, decision making and school operations. Students are able to undertake a range of leadership roles including School Captains, House Captains, Leaders of Learning, Peer Mediators and Play at Lunchtime Facilitators.